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مشد و تيشرت رجالي لاخفاء ترهلات و عيوب الجسم Slim n lift for men

السعر: 18 دينار

اخفاء عيوب الجسم وشد الترهلات سليم أند ليفت تي- شيرت تخسيس للرجال
يمتلك الآن خط إنتاج سليم آند ليفت إضافة جديدة ورائعة من تي- شيرت التخسيس الخاص بالرجال يستطيع هذا التي- شيرت صاحب التصميم الرائع أن يمنحك مظهر جذاب لأنه يقوم بشد ترهلات البطن ويجعلك ممشوق القوام يقوم تي- شيرت سليم أند ليفت بشد عضلات الظهر لتبدو بمنظر رياضي الآن يمكنك أن تستعيد ليقاتك البدنية دون مجهود







Men's Body Shaper Slimming Shirt Elastic Sculpting Vest Tank
And for men there is a new addition to the Slim N Lift, With the incredible mens slimming shirt. This comfortable undershirt features uniquely designed firming panels to trim and tighten that bulging stomach so you look firm and fit instantly. The Slim N Lift? slimming shirt even smoothes out your back for a lean tapered appearance. Now you can look inches smaller and pound thinner without exercise Slim `n Lift Silhouette Supreme , is a revolutionary slimming and lifting .The secret is in the exusive engineering that combines form and function to sculpt, shape, firm and slenderize. And it does all of this in amazing comfort. Slim `n Lift Silhouette Supreme supports from below the bust line to just above the knee line ensuring all of your problem areas are targeted. Slim `n Lift Silhouette Supreme makes you look inches smaller and pounds thinner instantly. It hides bulges, bumps and rolls making you look tight and trim. It will help you fit into your favourite p of jeans, sy dress or tailored business suits comfortably. The Slim `n Lift Silhouette Supreme will give you a smooth, neat and trim look from below the bust line all the way to just above the knees You`ll feel comfortable and confident wearing it. Slim `n Lift? Silhouette Supreme gives you a firm look instantly! And for men there is a new addition to the Slim N Lift? line. With the incredible mens slimming shirt. This comfortable undershirt features uniquely designed firming panels to trim and tighten that bulging stomach so you look firm and fit instantly. The Slim N Lift? slimming shirt even smoothes out your back for a lean tapered appearance. Now you can look inches smaller and pound thinner without exercise

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