سشوار و مصفف شعر المشاهير ان ستايلركيرلي المموج InStyler Tulip
السعر: 43 دينار
جهاز instyler tulip جهاز المشاهير مصفف شعر المشاهير
نتائج مبهرة يوفر وقتك لعمل شعر كيرلي مموج
1- لا يحرق الشعر او يضره لانه مصنوع من افضل الخامات
2- اعملى كيرلى كالمحترفين وكانك بالصالون بدقائق
3- درجات حرارة متعددة حسب اختيارك 3 درجات..
4- حرارة عالية مع حماية لشعرك تصل الحرارة الى 460 فهرنهايت
5- تعمل على كهربآء 220
6- بنات صغار بعمر 12 و 13 يستطيعون استخدامها بسهوله وأمـان
InStyler Tulip Auto Curler
The Tulip auto curler's innovative automatic curling technology lets you achieve perfect curls and waves every time without tangling or damaging hair. Curling your hair has never been so fast and easy with the simple tap of a button, you can have beachy waves in just 3 seconds, soft curls in 8 seconds and striking tight curls in 12 seconds. With the unique open barrel design of the Tulip, your hair is visible and exposed at all times, preventing hair from getting tangled and becoming jammed in the unit. The open design and ample space surrounding the barrel also makes it easy for the Tulip to curl long and thick hair. The lightweight ergonomic design of the Tulip makes curling your hair easy and comfortable. Throughout the entire styling process, the Tulip is held in a natural vertical position with a relaxed grip, putting no strain or stress on your hand or wrist.
Perfection made easy
Open Barrel for No Tangling
With the unique open barrel design of the TULIP, your hair is visible and exposed at all times, preventing hair from getting tangled and becoming jammed in the unit. The open design and ample space surrounding the barrel also makes it easy for the TULIP to curl long and thick hair.
Lightweight, Easy, Burn-Free Styling
The lightweight ergonomic design of the TULIP makes curling your hair easy and comfortable. Throughout the entire styling process, the TULIP is held in a natural vertical position with a relaxed grip, putting no strain or stress on your hand or wrist. The outer casing of the TULIP remains cool to the touch and the Safety Guard prevents contact with the hot barrel, allowing you to place the TULIP close to your head without risk of burning.
Perfect Curls and Waves Every Time
Curling your hair has never been so fast and easy. The TULIP's innovative automatic curling technology lets you relax while the TULIP does all the work. With the tap of a button, you can have perfect curls and waves every time.
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