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جهاز تكبير الشفاه و نفخها شفايف جميلة Miss Pomp Lip Pump Beauty
السعر: 28 دينار

هذا الجهاز يقوم بنفخ الشفايف من خلال عملية تفريغ الهواء ليتم سحب الشفايف للخارج حتى تظهر بالصورة المطلوبة.
مدة النفخ تتراوح مابين 3 إلى 4 ساعات بعد ذلك تعود الشفايف طبيعية كما كانت.
وزن الجهاز خفيف جداً حيث انه بإمكانك حمله بحقيبة اليد.
الجهاز شخصي ولكن بإمكانك أستخدامه لعدة أشخاص بشرط غسله بشكل جيد.
لا يسبب آثار جانبية وينصح ترطيب الشفايف قبل الأستخدام حتى لا تتشقق الشفايف





Miss Pump Lip Plumping Device for Natural Lip Enhancement!
Lip Pump Luscious Lips Plumper / Pump / Enhancer Fuller Bigger Pouty Smooth Lips The Lip Pump/Enhancer restores fullness to disappearing lips as it dramatically increases your lip size and enhances your smile. Your lips will look smoother, fuller and younger when you use this innovative pump. There are no messy creams that contain harmful chemicals, there is no need for doctor visits and consequently, expensive bills! The Lip Enhancer is painless. You simply develop full, pouty, sensual lips. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE Directions: First remove the bottom of the pump and lubricate the pump ring. You may use any type of moisturizer to do so. This enables a tighter seal. Once you have the pump lubricated, apply the pump to your mouth and gently suck the air through to ensure pump is properly in place. The short side to the top longer side to the bottom is the correct position. Once the pump is positioned accordingly, pump the pump until the lips are sucked into the mouth piece. Continue to draw the pump out slowly and push back in again and repeat. Important Information: It is important to condition your lips for proper usage of the pump. Keep in mind, excessive use could cause some pain and or bruising. If this happens discontinue use. Recommended Usage: First 2 weeks use only twice per day After 2 weeks use 3-4 times per day Note - If you experience excessive pain, bruising, or swelling, stop using it immediately. If you do not know about this product, then do not buy it. Lip Pump may cause pain or bruises to some people with sensitive skin or used at a time for a long period. 



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