جهاز ازالة الشعر ويزيت مع طقم العناية بالجسم Wizzit set hair remover
السعر: 18 دينار
Wizzit Automatic Tweezer epilator
With the old tweezers and mirror, it takes ages to get rid of embarrassing facial hair and it’s painful too. But now there’s something that’s both fast and gentle. And it works so well, you won’t even need a mirror. It’s the Wizzit: An amazing invention that literally finds, grabs and removes unwanted hair from the roots, keeping it from growing back for weeks. It is specially designed to reach out and firmly hold on to the hair and its rotating action ensures a gentle and thorough removal of the hair shaft, root and all. This unique technology attracts hair like a magnet, so you will never need a mirror. Just sweep the Wizzit around the problem area and you will never miss a hair. That’s why it’s 50 times faster than tweezers. The Wizzit has no blades, instead working as an epilator, gently removing hair and leaving you with smooth hair-free skin. You can use it anywhere on your body, even on those areas where you were afraid to shave, pluck or wax before. It’s 50 times faster and more efficient than tweezers, so you never have to spend a long time on just one place, or worrying about whether or not you got the hair from its root or just from the surface. As a bonus we also give you this handy manicure and make-up set to complete your grooming kit. • Includes FREE Manicure + Make-up brush Set and Travel Bag
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