فرشاة الشعر و المشط السريع الحراري Brush hair straightener fast
السعر: 25 دينار
مع مشط الشعر الحراري Fast Hair Straightener لا أضرار ولا احتراق لشعرك، فقد تم تصميمه ليكون كفرشاة و أداة تمليس للشعر معاً، ولن تحتاجي إلا لـ 5 ثوان فقط لينجز العمل.
اسرع بخمس إلى عشر مرات من أدوات تمليس الشعر التقليدية
بسيط، سريع وسهل الاستخدام
أفضل من جميع أدوات تمليس الشعر التقليدية من حيث التقليل من خسارة رطوبة الشعر.
Hair Straightening Brush, Fast Natural Straight Hair Styling, Anion Hair Care, Anti Scald, Massage Straightening Irons, Detangling Hair Brush (Pink)
It is an innovative hair straightening brush, incorporating the advanced hair care technologies, ensuring safer, easy and quick results. It is developed to be more safer for your hair, by using recommended temperature of 365℉(180℃) during every brush stroke.
Hair straightener brush is designed for easy hair caring. It is a revolutionary hair straightening brush. Simply comb your hair and it will be straight and smooth in minutes. Here is the very 3 steps for you:
Step1: Ensure your hair is dry and combed through.
Step2: Make sure your hair gets into the inner area of the brush.
Step3: Hold the hair end firmly and brush in a slow pulling motion.
The Apalus Hair Straightening Brush reaches 230℃(450℉ )salon temperature in minutes, unique brush structure design the contact surface of straightening iron is 3 times of normal flat iron, allow you straighten larger sections of hair at one time for fast result, With nano-ceramic it has ultra fast heat recovery to maintain constant high heat during use.
Extra benefits for damaged hair, with brush Messaging Tips less than 80℃(180℉) anti Scald, Zero damage, can do a deep care with oil treatment for the hair to improve Frizzy Dry Unmanageable hair effectively.
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