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ملقط و تقطيع البطيخ بسهولة تامة وبشكل جميل Slicer Corer & Server Tongs Cuts Melon
السعر: 9 دينار


الة تقطيع البطيخ بكل سهولة دون اهدار اي قطعه منها

2 في 1 ايضا التقاط قطع البطيخ بعد التقطيع بكل سهولة

مصنوعة من ستانليس ستيل غير قابل للصدا






Stainless Steel Watermelon Slicer Tongs Corer, Cutter, Knife and Server Easily Cuts Melon, Cantaloupe, Honeydew-Perfect Slicer Cores and Peels Fruit

The Safe, Easy way to Cut Watermelon!

Nothing beats succulent watermelon on a warm day! Unfortunately, preparing the melon
means trying to keep it steady as you attempt to cut its thick rind. The result is a difficult
and potentially dangerous task that leaves your kitchen a mess.

you can enjoy tasty, hassle-free melon
whenever you want! This state-of-the-art utensil glides through pulp, giving you perfectly
sized slices. You can cut it horizontally for pick-up-and-eat portions, or use a crisscross
technique for cubes that are great in fruit salads!

The blade-free design keeps you safe and is ideal for those who enjoy cooking with their
kids. It also offers a comfortable grip, ensuring that you’re in total control while slicing.
And while it easily cuts watermelon, it’s great for other fruits like honeydew and
cantaloupe. You can even use it as a cake slicer at birthday parties!

we’re constantly developing high quality products that will help you cook
like a pro! Made of durable stainless steel, our slicer is rust-resistant and dishwasher safe.
From cutting and coring to peeling and slicing, this versatile tool can do it all!

Why Choose Our Melon Cutter?

- Effortlessly slices watermelon
- Allows you to cut different sizes
- Safe and easy to use
- Great for different types of fruit
- Made of stainless steel

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