حفارة الخضراوات و المحاشي الكوسا الجزر و الباذنجان الكهربائية المنزلية Electric veggie corer drill for stuffed food
السعر: 24 دينار
لا عناء بعد اليوم اليك سيدتي مع حفارة المحاشي الكوسا و الباذنجان و الجزر و البطاطا و غيرها من الخضراوات الكهربائية
مع الة حفر المحشي لا تعب بعد اليوم عملية للأستخدامات المتعددة
ولا اسهل لسيده البيت المحترفه في شغل المطبخ اليكي الحل السحري الحفاره الالكترونيه
حفارة الكوسا الكهربائية تتكون من رأسين مصنوعان من الستانلس ستيل المقاوم للصدأ للحفر
من مميزات حفارة الكوسا الكهربائية
أيضا للحفارة رأسين للحفر بحجمين مختلفين حفارة الكوسا الكهربائية
حفارة الكوسا الكهربائية بإمكانك التحكم بسرعة الحفارة
Easy kitchen tools electric power vegetable & fruit drill, zucchini, potato, eggplant, cuke, Stufed Food maker, Vegetable corer
Name: Electric Power Vegetable and Fruit Corer , or call electric veggie corer, or call electrical veggie drill
Power: 30W, 110V or 220V to 240V, 50/60HZ, with USA plug or Europe Plug
Have two choices of long mixing shaft or short mixing shaft
Low noise design
Variable speed controller
Used for Kitchen and home, it is a kind of corer for any kinds of Vegetable and fruit
With the new electric Veggie Corer is very easy, quickly and without pain. to prepared stuffed vegetables.
With the new electric Veggie Corer the vegetables remain whole pieces and thus very fragrant.
whether it is Zucchinni, eggplant, potatoes or carrots.
Vegetable drill ( corer ) is an amazing new corer for extracting the inner contents (the core) of all vegetables and fruits and preparing them for stuffing.
Stuffed vegetables Is probably one of the most delicious meals in the cuisine. No matter which cuisine you came from, there is one thing in common for all – emptying the vegetables is always a hard and lengthy work that usually demands spending a lot of time in the kitchen.
Just insert the desired drill head to the handle, drill it into the vegetable and it will be ready for stuffing within a matter of seconds!
The electric Veggie Corer can be used for both hard and soft vegetables like onions, carrots, tomatoes, zucchini, radishes, apple, and much more!
The electric Veggie Corer is also very useful in creating cheese platter dishes and appetizers where the vegetables are filled with soft cheese, meringue, crème fraiche , mascarpone or any other kind of filling.
Purchase your electric Veggie Corer and start enjoying stuffed vegetables at home in short time and with no effort at all.
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