حزام شك شك تكسير دهون الجسم و التنحيف Shake Shake Slimming Belt
السعر: 50 دينار
1-سرعات مختلفة توقيت زمني يمكن التحكم به
2 يعالج المنطقه المصابه بالدهون المتراكمه فيعطي الجسم الشكل الانسيابي الائنيق والجميل
3-آمن حيث انه يعمل بالاهتزاز ٬ ويمكن استخد مه اكثر من مرة باليوم لضمان نتائج مرضية
4-كونه هزاز فهوه يعطي الشعور بالاسترخاء و يعمل على تنشيط الدوره الدمويه في الجسم.
5-يعمل على شد الترهلات الناتجه عن الولاده
6-شد الترهلات التي عادة ما تكون في البطن وداخل الفخذين والارداف
7-الحزام يعمل على الكهرباء وايضا على ولاعة السيارة
8-يتكون من 3 احزمة 1 حجم كبير و 2 حجم صغير لمنطقة الايدي والارجل
يمكن تشغيل جميع الاحزمة في وقت واحد
حزام مفتوح ليلائم جميع مناطق الجسم
طريقة الاستعمال :
مرة الى مرتين في اليوم لمدة ١٠ دقائق
Shake-Shake Belt
Shake Shake belta revolutionary new technology in the slimming world Shake Shake, two in one, vibrator and heating. A revolution in the slimming world and without side effects. This product can lose weight from belly, buttocks, thigh, crus, waist, shoulder easy.
Treats the whole body with an accumulation of fat and subsequently gives a smooth and slender waist.
It can be used several times a day to ensure a better result.
The vibrator character provides the feeling of relaxation and helps to improve blood circulation.
Different speeds, with a controllable timer.
It goes with automatic timing feature and will automatically stop running after 20 minutes of operation time.
It helps to strengthen the body after childbirth and thin parts with cellulite like the belly, inner buttocks and oblique’s.
Specification : Belt length: 126cm
Width : 15cm
Function : Massage and Slimming
Plug the power adapter into the jack in the belt, and then connect the power.
Press the start button and the red indicator lights and the Belt will begin its circular operation of the three modes.
The four green indicators turn on at the same time and the analog indicator flashes.
Press the Mode Button, and the Belt will turn to manual mode.
Press it each time, a different vibration mode will be locked on.
Press it again and it will turn to another vibration mode.
Press Intensity Button to select the vibration strength of the Belt. There are the three intensity degrees available.
Press the start button to stop the movement.
This product goes with automatic running feature.
It will automatically stop running after 20 minutes of operation each time.
Safety Precautions:
When using the product, please have on a thin shirt or sweatshirt, thus to avoid direct contact between the product and the skin.
Someone may experience a kind of physical itching while using the product due to different personal physique. Don’t be panic nor scratch the itch area. This is temporary reaction and it will be restored to normal upon termination of use.
Do not use it within one hour after a meal.
Do not use it if you’re in sleep.
Do not disassemble or modify this product.
Do not use it in the bathroom and other similar damp places. It should be restored in a dry place and away from moisture.
If the product is stained with alien objects, it may be wiped clean with wet wipes and may not be use used until it is completely dry.
Do not use it for a continuous long time (Recommendation: use it 2 times a day, better at an interval of 2-3 hours).
Please use the power adapter designated for the Product. Unplug the power plug upon end of use in a timely manner to ensure the safety.
It is not allowed for the pregnant women.
Handicapped and mentality disease people are forbidden to use this product.
The product is not a toy, the children cannot use it alone until they are under supervision of the adult guardians.
Product Components:
A. Belt
B. Adapter
C. Instruction for Use
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